The Sweetest Fig

“The Sweetest Fig”


The book “The Sweetest Fig” written and illustrated by Chris Van Allsburg is the book we read for our PB blog today.

The book is about a mean dentist who is helping a old women, who tries to pay him with what she addresses as figs that make your dreams come true. But the man takes the figs and doesn’t give her the painkiller after her appointment. That night, he eats a fig, and falls asleep. He dreams a strange dream, about him walking around in his underwear and the eiffel droops down. But when he wakes up, he pulls his dog downstairs, like he does everyday, and goes outside. But to his surprise, his dream came true! He notices that right away, and thinks about what he can do with these figs. So before he sleeps, He recites the words “Be the richest man alive” over 100 times. But when he reaches for a fig,  he notices that all the figs were gone. So he went to bed, mad that someone stole his figs, and fell asleep. But when he woke up in the morning, he noticed something strange- he was underneath the bed, and he saw his own body pulling him out from under the bed. Begging for help, he tried to scream, but all he could do was bark. I think this was a great story because it teaches people to be kind to others, as they will be kind to you.

Overall, I think this was a great book that teaches kids a very valuable lesson.

Enemy Pie

“Enemy Pie”

“Enemy Pie”, written by Derek Munson and illustrated by Tara Calahan King is the book we read for PB blog on Friday.

Enemy Pie is a book about a kid finding out he has a new neighbor that he hates. His enemy, Jeremy Ross moved right beside his best friends house and had a trampoline party that he wasn’t invited to, but his best friend Stanley was. If that’s bad enough, Jeremy even laughs at him if he doesn’t catch the ball at his baseball practice. So one day, he asks his dad how to get rid of enemies, and he replies by telling him about enemy pie. He keeps asking his dad how to make it, but his dad tells him it’s a secret. He brings his dad weeds from their lawn, worms from their compost bin, and the piece of gum he’s been chewing all day, but his dad sends him outside and tells him that he will call him when it’s done. So the kid goes outside and comes inside. But when he walks in the kitchen, he notices something strange – the pie smells really good! So he asks his dad if there was something wrong, and he tells him everything’s fine, and that the kid has to spend a whole day with his enemy for it to work. So he goes to Jeremy’s house, and they do a lot of things together. But at the end of the day, he feels kind of weird. He actually liked Jeremy! But right after that, his dad gave him and jeremy enemy pie, which he found out did nothing. I think it’s a great book because it teaches kids that it’s better to have friends than enemies.

Overall, I think this was a great book that teaches kids a very valuable lesson.